Scamp update

After my husband began building his Scamp sailboat last spring at the Northwest Maritime Center last March, I promised occasional updates on its progress. Although he’s put in plenty of time and effort, there hasn’t been much to show. But after some recent interior seal coats, I thought the project deserved an update.

Most of what you see above is the result of hours of work performed by one man standing folded over and working upside down. All of the interior joints have been filleted (filled with an epoxy mixture), taped, and then sanded. Then there was an interior seal of three coats of epoxy with color added. A little sanding on the exterior of the stern. Interior fittings have also gotten seal coated. And three rows of reef nettles have gone on the sail. While waiting for the epoxy to cure (akin to the speed of molasses in January) he’s also been working on the mast and rigging.

My husband has gone through epoxy almost like a large family drinks milk: by the gallon. There’s a gallon jug of epoxy resin under our Christmas tree. Santa understands.

5 thoughts on “Scamp update”

  1. Your hubby is a busy skillful guy. Keep him working on the boat Kay… that will give you more time to take photos. 🙂

  2. Your husband is going to be so proud of that boat when he is finished. It is truly a labor of love and darned hard work! Hats off to him!!

  3. Well I’m glad Santa understands – my dad built a boat one time – they take an unbelievable amount of work. Glad to see the progress.

  4. This is a tremendous amount of work. Good for him. My own hobby is much easier. I just roam around and push shutter buttons.

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