Fort Flagler 1

Fort Flagler State Park is a historic military installation about an hour from Sequim. Constructed beginning in 1897, it was one of three forts responsible for protecting the Puget Sound area from foreign invasion. A military presence continued here until 1953 and it became part of the state park system in 1955.

Battery Calwell, shown here, is within walking distance of a campground that’s located steps from a spectacular scenic beach. Coming upon this battery at the edge of the woods on a bluff overlooking Puget Sound felt oddly like coming upon an archaeological ruin. Despite the concrete and iron that comprised its flesh and bones it seemed very ancient and a little alien, particularly since I’ve been blessedly removed from war-making.

Huge circular structures that once housed enormous guns are now filled with a scruff of weeds. The guns were removed in 1917 and shipped to Europe for use during World War 1.

Battery Calwell is named after Captain James H. Calwell, a fallen Mexican-American War soldier who died in 1847.

6 thoughts on “Fort Flagler 1”

  1. Another very interesting post. I’ve seen something of this fort before, but your pics really show the reality. I’m glad that it was razed and that people get a chance to visit what is, in essence, an historic monument.

  2. History gives us some interesting artifacts. Guess our “enemies thought twice about invading the area!!

  3. such a place was also not too far from our place in boston (by car, then), but it was entirely covered in (mostly ugly) graffiti…

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