Festival of the Equinox

Today is the first day of spring. We’re seeing signs of seasonal change: unfurling leaves and early blossoms, birds singing up a storm, flying in loopy patterns as they pair up, and weather that has that weird schizophrenia as it declares “still winter!” wet and cold and then “hooray, spring!” as the skies clear. Rain and dewdrops gang up on this clover leaf as it patiently waits for spring and its sweet blossoms to herald new growth. And, like clockwork, I’m impatient to get into the garden to nurse growth and beauty from this year’s seeds. Welcome, Spring!

Sharing with City Daily Photo’s “Festival of the Equinox” extra theme day. To see other interpretations of this theme, click here.

9 thoughts on “Festival of the Equinox”

  1. Love your interpretation of the theme, and the image with the dew drops is stunning! Like you, I waited for today to do the Festival of the Equinox. Let’s celebrate!

  2. What a totally gorgeous clover leaf, Kay. The size and shape of the dew drops are stunning.

    As we enter our fallow seasons down here in Australia, I have my sights set firmly upon NEXT spring. I am planning, and rebuilding, and envigorating my garden beds, in anticipation. Not that I want Autumn to be over, as it is my favourite season of the year.

    I am glad so many people waited for the day of the Equinox to actually contribute their post. It has given a good feel to the festival.

    Many thanks for your contribution to the Festival of the Equinox. I appreciate your support.

  3. Beautiful spring image Kay, you described spring so well I’m a wee bit disappointed that we have to still get through autumn and winter before it reaches us here again in Oz 🙂

  4. Great macro, Kay! All things being equal, the equinox is here but in some places people can’t see it yet. It is weird weather – I had to wear a light jacket on the golf course all morning!

    (Thank you for your very nice response!)

  5. This is brilliant, Kay. What a terrific close-up. The shapes of the droplets are so well defined — very cool. You have such a good eye to spot this scene. Thanks for checking in with me yesterday. It’s been a whirlwind of activity here. There’s so much going on in the spring here it’s difficult to keep up. (But, I’ll do my best!) Hope you’ve been doing well.

  6. What a glorious photo! Everything is still brown here; not even a single clover is up yet. But soon, as your photo reminds me.

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