Blue glass


After the boys left this morning, I had lunch with some friends at The Old Mill Cafe.  Although I don’t think they were old,  this blue glass made a nice picture.

And the good news is the boys were great fun.  They ate everything I served, made polite conversation, stripped their beds before they left, and said “Thank You” more than once.  Their parents would be proud and they can come and visit again anytime they want.

5 thoughts on “Blue glass”

  1. The blue glass does make a beautiful picture. And I am very glad you enjoyed your company.

  2. Oh, Norma! What fun you must have had with those boys! Being in the company of young people is always so refreshing. How old is your nephew and his companions? Incidentally, the bottles are wonderful: great variety in shapes and a heavenly hue. It looks like there might be a stained glass object in the window of the same hue, too. Have a good week-end!

  3. Those “boys” sound delightful and a real pleasure to have visiting. Obviously good upbringing.
    The blue glassware is wonderful in the window. A perfect setting for a perfect meal with friends.

  4. I’m sure glad you had your camera with you. Blue on blue. Blue Friday. I’ve got the blues. The blues are my friend…

    This says it all. Very nice. And the photo is so well-composed!

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