Again… Repost

I interrupt my trip to the beach to post a “dusting” of snow. It isn’t much at this point, but the forecast is for cold, really cold, for the next two days. Schools have already been canceled and delayed starts at some. Coming from PA to Sequim, a distance of 15 miles, took almost an hour around noon. “Morse Creek” always slows traffic, but there were already cars in the ditch. I want what we are famous for..sunshine!

P.S. I have to explain what that bottle is doing next to the bird bath. Ever have a problem with moles? I tried everything…and I do mean everything. My sis told me about an article in a gardening journal. You bury long neck bottles at an angle, leaving about 2 inches above the ground. Wind blows, causes the bottle to vibrate, moles leave that area alone. I dig the bottle up once a year and dump out any rain water inside. My own private “beer garden”. I don’t know if it really works or the moles ate everything in the soil and left….but NO Moles!

13 thoughts on “Again… Repost”

  1. photo de neige tres belle, j’aimerais tant qu’il neige à Evry pour faire des photos. Mais pas trop, sinon la region parisienne sera completement bloquée

    photograph of very beautiful snow, I would like as much as it snows in Evry to make photographs. But not too, if not the Paris area will be completely blocked

  2. Beautiful. Now down to business – any neighbor-cat-and-dog deterrents that actually WORK? OK, they can roam and dig, but can I stop them from peeing and pooing?

  3. The mole tidbit is the most creative thing I’ve ever read. …and it works?!! There’s no moles nor groundhogs over here but still….

  4. We got your snow and cold down here in Oregon too. All the schools in this area were closed today. Interesting idea the bottles. I’ll have to try it.

  5. In repose to Meg’s question, I do wish I had an answer for dog and cat peeing and pooing. It worked on the moles, but not the cat.

  6. une belle photo sous la neige. et tu en as de la neige. J’en veux à Evry

    A beautiful picture in the snow. And you have the snow. I want to Evry

  7. great idea with the bottles but it sure makes it hard trying to mow the lawn

    no snow in Ar.

    keep up that therapy

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