Oyster abstraction

You can fish for oysters and clams at Sequim Bay State Park when the season’s open and there are no quarantines. Unfortunately, there have been warnings again this year about paralytic shellfish poisoning. It’s ironic because the waters are clear and beautiful, giving a good view of meals enjoyed by others. Here are clam and oyster shells underwater, just offshore.

Maybe you shouldn’t look down

I explored Sequim Bay State Park last weekend, a beautiful spot set – where else? – along the shore of Sequim Bay. There are some beautiful campsites, and a short launching ramp. A break between storms made our stop one of those respites of lung-filling fresh air and a celebration of being outdoors. And, gee, look at those beautiful trees! Look at that great tall one there!

Maybe I shouldn’t have followed its trunk downward. These are some of its roots, exposed at the base on a bluff. I’m hoping more of them are anchored in rock, or, maybe sunk deep – way, way deep – into the soil behind it. I really do prefer trees to stay where they are.