Theme Day: Photo of the year

I had over a dozen candidates for today’s City Daily Photo theme day, “Photo of the year.” This, however, was the only one that I’d enlarged and hung on a wall. I took that as a sign. It was taken on a walk in the Olympic National Park Hoh Rainforest, a place of incomparable beauty.

Click here to see other photos of the year from City Daily Photo participants.

Happy new year!

Favorites from 2016

The City Daily Photo theme day for January 1st will be “Photo of the Year.” As I search for a favorite, I’ve found a few that I especially enjoyed last year. I liked this little goldfinch on my window sill. Is it that it was a special moment or just a cute little bird? I can’t say. Probably both.

And this is another favorite. It also happens to be food for goldfiniches.

Winter shapes

The more years I experience the Pacific Northwest the more deeply I peer into winter. The first winter here all I saw were bare twigs, colorless landscapes and the ubiquitous evergreens. These days my camera is teaching me to better curate what I take in.

Take this corkscrew hazelnut, or Harry Lauders walking stick. It’s an interesting and pretty plant when it has leaves. But winter brings out its gorgeous architecture.