Almost good enough to eat

I’d gotten in the habit of celebrating my blog anniversary with a cupcake each year. Light a candle, take a picture, congratulate myself, and then enjoy the cupcake. This year, number six, slipped by completely unnoticed last Friday. Thanks, “SAM,” a local friend, for the reminder.

In the absence of my traditional trip to That Takes the Cake, herewith some soy cupcake candles from CupcakeCandle Company, a local candle maker.

The candles were nicely displayed during the Lavender Festival. It seems almost criminal to make something that yummy looking inedible, doesn’t it?

Meet Sarah

Sarah is the bird here on the left. She is a sulfur crested cockatiel who routinely accompanies her people as they go about their days. She’s curious, gregarious, and quite ready to be the center of attention.

Sarah is 27 years old and according to her people she can live up to 60 years or more. Although she didn’t regale us with opinions we were told that she has a vocabulary and readily makes her needs and feelings known. Click here for more information on cockatiels.

All that lavender

Here’s another way that the lavender in Sequim gets processed: it’s dried. We were invited into the drying barn at Kitty B’s Lavender where workers were busy processing bundles of lavender to be hung and dried.

Bundles are hung like string bound vines with fans running to keep down mildew.

Dried lavender is sold as aromatic bouquets and sachets, woven into wreaths and flower arrangements, and some strains have culinary uses as in herbs de Provence. It can be mixed into baking soda and used as a carpet freshener or mixed into sugar as a flavoring.

Theme Day: Young at Heart

What better way to express “young at heart” than through those who are fresh with youth? These children discovered how to make a joyous day with a miniature tractor and an open field at Sequim’s recent Lavender Festival.

Click here to see how other City Daily Photo bloggers have interpreted today’s theme, “Young at Heart.”