First snow

The Olympic Mountains got the first noticeable snow of the season overnight on Friday night. As the clouds cleared through the day on Saturday, snow patches were revealed.

(If this view looks familiar it’s because it’s one of my favorites, also shown in the Sequim Daily Photo header, above.)

I like the look of snow in our mountains but I can’t say I’m excited at the prospect of winter’s short days.

Human flight

A while back we looked out the window to see someone flying back and forth at a distance.

Do you see the speck towards the middle of this shot? He or she was way up there. And probably had a spectacular view.

It would be nice to fly like a bird. But until I grow a pair of suitable wings I’m not sure this is how I’d care to take flight.

Welcome, Spring!

Today is the first day of spring in the northern hemisphere. It’s not hard to believe because we’ve had spring-like weather for the last few days. This doesn’t always happen here but it’s certainly appreciated.

If you’re interested in such things, tonight’s full moon is the last of three supermoons of 2019. It will appear bigger and brighter, weather permitting. The last supermoon that occurred on spring equinox was in 2000. There won’t be another until 2030.