There’s my Barred Owl

So my best friend and I were walking (like we do almost every morning) and she said “you are going to be SOOOOO jealous”! I asked why and she told me about this Barred owl that was hanging out at her house the day before. She knows I’m an owl freakazoid–but rarely get to photograph one. I said call me day or night if he returns. About an hour after our walk I got the call. I drove the mile to her house like a maniac . It was still there (and stayed for a good hour!)

So I finally got a shot of a Barred Owl!

Angry Birds…not the game

I was working on a new set of photos when I heard quite the EAGLE RUCKUS…

Multiple eagles were screeching–a lot. I ran outside and looked up to see FOUR Baldies all in a fray with two seagulls joining in. It was an aerial war zone. Two of the eagle flew away with the gulls still in hot pursuit. These two landed on a snag next to my house. They were looking very intent in different directions often screeching to let everyone know they were still there.

My personal Bald Eagle

Not really, but I like to imagine so…

This is one of a pair that live up the bay at my friend’s property. But she (she’s larger than the male) comes and lands at the top of this medium tree whose top is exactly at my eye height when I’m sitting in my living room.

Isn’t she gorgeous?

Downward snow dog.

My father LOVED junkyard art. He brought these dogs everywhere he moved. They weren’t my thing. HOWEVER–when he moved to the nursing home and I sold or gave away most of his things I brought these home.

They bring me great unexpected joy…

Whenever I see them, their expressions remind me of my quirky ol papa smiling from above.