
I’d had high hopes for my flower bed this year. I ditched my usual dahlias and remembered I’d wanted sunflowers. And wouldn’t they go nicely with a bed of nasturtiums? This was all outside our fenced garden enclosure which protects the veggies from the voracious local deer. The deer have never touched the dahlias or nasturtiums so I figured I was safe. I thought I’d planned a very pretty little flower garden.

Wrong! It could have been worse. My friend Marie has emailed me pictures of her nasturtiums that are nothing but stems. But still. A gardener needs to whine sometimes.

By the way, the grey skies you see in the top shot are from wildfire smoke. It’s back.

Summer cheer

Most summer flowers seem pretty cheerful. But I think if they were ranked sunflowers would probably top the list.

And the only thing more cheerful than a sunflower is an entire field of them. I’ve been patiently watching these come into bloom for about a month.

They’re at a small farm on Sequim-Dungeness Road that sells eggs and a variety of vegetables. They were out of eggs but I picked up some exquisitely fresh beets. And I’ll bet it won’t be long before they’re selling bunches of sunflowers.