6 thoughts on “Mondays can be a real…”

  1. Good link there Kay, it’s a good thing their resident bear is so ‘benign’, I’m not sure the actual wildlife in the park would feel comfortable with it prowling around 😀

  2. I’m going to forgo my usual “barely stand it” jokes today. You’ve had to put up with them for a long time and I’m feeling badly about that. Heh, heh. And if you believe that…

    He doth look mightily fierce and with those wee eyes he reminds me a lot of a principal I worked for some years back.

    Wanted to tell you that when I see a comment from you in my email and I click on your name I’m sent to Google + where I’m told that I’ve reached the “end.” And there’s nothing else there. No posts, nothing. This is something new, by the way. I used to get taken to your blog. Something is messed up, methinks.

    Meanwhile, have a great week ahead!

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