Totem art

We recently spent two days in Victoria, British Columbia. The trip included a visit to one of my favorite spots, the Royal B.C. Museum. There we spent most of an afternoon in the museum’s First Peoples Galleries. There is a rich exploration of the lives of Canada’s First Nations people and our tour led us to their superb collection of totem poles. They’re kept in low light and my photos reflect some judicious editing. There are additional totems on museum grounds outside. Click here to take a look at a photo of these from 2010. It is part of a series on totems that I posted in 2011. I’ll share links to that series tomorrow.

Totems include Nootkan, Tsimshian, Haida and other styles that tower over visitors.

7 thoughts on “Totem art”

  1. They are masterpieces and absolutely beautiful. The carvers are very talented in their craft. Each totem pole tells a story which is always interesting to read or listen to. The light highlighting the totems is very nice to see. Very nice photos Kay.

  2. I don’t know much about totem poles, but I have always been rather fond of them. I know I’d enjoy this museum very much, so thanks for sharing these delightful pictures. And you did a great job of editing!

    Right now we’ve had some fierce gusts of wind but the worst will be at 2 AM. Isn’t that always the ways it goes? We’re told to expect 75mph winds then. However, it won’t last and by tomorrow all should be well in this part of Florida; not, however in the southwest part of the state. Some of our favorite places are going to disappear and that makes me very angry at Mother Nature or whoever dreamed up this stupid system!

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