
Highway 2, east of Waterville, WA
Highway 2, east of Waterville, WA

Eastern Washington has beautiful farmlands. As you drop down from the Cascade Mountains into towns like Cashmere and Monitor there are beautiful orchards along the Wenatchee River. But once you drive onto the Waterville Plateau heading toward the Grand Coulee you’re greeted with scenes like this.

Highway 2, east of Waterville, WA
Highway 2, east of Waterville, WA

I liked both versions of this scene. Do you have a preference?

5 thoughts on “Farmlands”

  1. Both of the photos have a feeling of isolation about them but the second doesn’t seem quite as barren. Wonderful sky with layered clouds. There is something about visual layering that always appeals to me.

  2. I prefer the 2nd as the 1st leaves me with questions about the details. They are both great photos. Can’t imagine living out in such isolation myself. Especially during a storm! Yikes!

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