Belted kingfisher

Belted kingfisher

Here’s another bird I don’t see nearly often enough: a belted kingfisher. These birds are found throughout Washington State, never far from water, where it hunts for food. If my bird book has guided me correctly, this is a female. Don’t you love that punk topknot?

9 thoughts on “Belted kingfisher”

  1. These are extraordinary birds. I love all the Kingfisher poems, of which there are many! Hope you like this one:

    Kingfisher – Poem by David Wood

    The sudden flash of delicate blue
    That lightning strike of wondrous true
    There, gone in the blink of an eye,
    And no matter how hard you try,
    The only evidence were the rings
    Of bright water that sweetly sings.

    It is very rarely seen sitting ghostly
    On a low slung branch, or twig, mostly
    Just above the waters edge,
    Or on their perch just above the ledge
    And to return with their kill
    To bash to death with their bill.

    And swallow whole their gotten gain,
    Small fry, tadpole or molluscs strain
    Their way down to the depths.
    I saw one once standing on the steps,
    Near Rhayder, on the river Wye,
    It flew off before I could say good-bye.
    David Wood

  2. Great shot! I can’t recall ever seeing one of these. I don’t think they live in Florida but I could be wrong. Love his haircut; pretty much in style from what I see on Teevee! 🙂

  3. Lucky you – great photo. They are hard to find sitting still – as the others have said. I have tried for years and years to get a vivid picture of one – finally did it this summer. Love the composition of the photo.

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