
Eagle youngsters

Eagles don’t get their white heads and tails until they’re about three years old. As they approach their third year the white is more prominent, as it it with the one on the left, above. His tail, however, doesn’t look fully white yet. The youngster on the right shows the mottled look of an immature. You can’t see it in this shot but he has a little patch of white on the back of his head.

8 thoughts on “Youngsters”

  1. Very cool photo! I didn’t know that “white” business about eagles. We see them here occasionally, but don’t have a lot of them.

    Re your comment: When I read it, I immediately broke into song – “On the road again…” Have lots of fun and stop to smell the roses. 🙂

  2. Gosh…what a beautiful sight! So envious of you. What a great experience to see these two together.

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