Dorjun revisited

Dorjun 1

I originally posted a photo of Dorjun, a beautiful boat built in 1905 here. I wasn’t totally happy with the shot because I wasn’t able to do her justice. But I found her in the water in Port Townsend a couple of weeks ago and couldn’t resist trying again.

Dorjun 2

After her service with the U.S. Livesaving Service, Dorjun was sailed through the Strait of Magellan.

Dorjun 3

She’s 26 feet long and has been beautifully restored.

Dorjun 4

Boat lovers like to see a boat out of water, all the better to see what’s under the waterline. But I rather like seeing this beautiful boat launched and ready for another adventure.

6 thoughts on “Dorjun revisited”

  1. Love that first shot, especially! But they’re all beautiful. You had a good day to shoot. And I remember this boat, how beautifully restored it was and also hope it can continue on it’s long adventuresome life!

    Thanx for your comment on Ocala.

  2. Thoroughly enjoy your boat photos. How is the boat your DH is building coming along. We would enjoy another photo or two.

  3. Dorjun has an interesting history of travel, adventure, rescuing and then being rescued and restored it’s self. The conditions were perfect for photographing reflections.

  4. It is a handsome boat indeed, and your photos do it justice. I prefer seeing boats in water, since I am not a boatie and wouldn’t know how to evaluate it out of water.

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