Color layers

Color layers

I know we’ve officially made it to spring but here’s something I’ll concede to liking about winter: I like the colors of the landscape around the marshes at Dungeness Recreation Area. The bleached golden grasses, the blue sheen of water, burgundy stripe of wild roses, grey green of lichen in the winter bare trees, and the scruff of evergreen that dots above. And when it comes around, I love the blue sky. The grass is starting its rebirth now. You can see it mixing fresh growth amid the gold.

5 thoughts on “Color layers”

  1. I had never really seen marshes in their winter splendor ’til I lived in SC last winter for two months; they certainly are areas of great beauty. I envy your close proximity to them.

  2. Great photo – great view of winter’s beauty. Add in a heron, swans or snow geese and you have another layer or two. There is always something to see and admire in any season, and I’m definitely ready to admire spring.

  3. You have the ability to see the good in the things you look at. That’s a wonderful talent. I agree there are aspects of winter that are attractive but I forgot what they are now. I guess it’s been so long since I’ve experienced a real winter…

    BTW, I read today about a landslide in Washington that was something of a disaster. Was that anywhere near where you live?

  4. I admire your ability to find good things about a tough winter. You are definitely a glass-half-full person. Heck, you are a glass-mostly-full person.

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