The flock

We came across this flock of California quail (Callipela californica) feeding along the trial last Saturday. I’m posting this not because I think it’s a particularly nice photo but because I was impressed at how many of them there were. I understand that in prolific breeding years quail can have two broods with up to 20 eggs per clutch. I count 29 here, a covey of multiple families.

3 thoughts on “The flock”

  1. I’d quake before such a clutch of quail? Have you eaten quail? My uncle and I used to hunt quail when I was a little kid. I don’t think I ever shot one, though. For one thing the gun was bigger than I was!

  2. This may be my favorite photo I’ve even seen on a blog – I adore quail and miss them terribly. We had many coveys of them our area when we lived in Northern California – such a wonderful sight and sound – but we live in the hilly area and they do not come here, which is very sad. We’ve also not seen any in the other areas we’ve traveled in Washington, though once or twice we’ve heard them. What a special treat for you to see so many.

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