Teenaged mutant Ninja snail?

The Pacific Northwest is a different climate zone than where I grew up in California. It’s not like a foreign land, but sometimes I spy things I can’t remember seeing back in the Land of Gentler Winters. Like this snail, for instance. The ones I saw and waged combat with in California were thin shelled, light colored, and striped. This one? It looks positively armored. It stayed in place on this tree for a few days.

4 thoughts on “Teenaged mutant Ninja snail?”

  1. It’s so exciting finding species we are not used to see! I always keep my eyes very open when I’m not on my ‘territory’. 🙂

  2. Well, it looks to me like a mini-space ship, which has attached itself to the tree in order to allow the mini-aliens to leave the ship, spy out the land and its people, return to the space ship after three days and then fly away to where they came from, the land of Monadenia, as Larry mentioned above. Monadenia is behind the moon and in the same orbit so it’s never been discovered.

    Now, don’t say I never learned ya nothin’!

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