A happy surprise

One of my earliest posts on this blog, September 2, 2011, was entitled “Waiting.” I was a little peeved. About six months earlier a new drive was constructed at the Carlsborg Post Office – one of those handy drives where you pull off the road and drop your mail into a post box like the one above, then pull out and go on your way. The drive was constructed. “Oh, boy,” says I. “How convenient!” Except that a drop box was never installed on the drive. Thus, the post.

A blog follower, retired postal worker Max, saw my blog and commented that he would contact the “powers that be” to see about getting a drop box delivered to Carlsborg. Max did what he could, but the U.S. Postal Service is what it is. I frankly wrote it off to another case of evaporated tax dollars. So I will admit to great delight on Monday when I saw this little beauty as I pulled into the Carlsborg Post Office. I was so surprised that I drove past without using it.

Did Max pull it off? Did a budget item finally click into place? Mere postal customers will never know, but I’m more than happy to credit and thank Max for our new box. I intend to call it the “Max Box.” And, locals, if you should drive by and see someone sitting nearby with a bottle of champagne, wave and say “hello.” That would be me, toasting Max. Thank you, Max!

4 thoughts on “A happy surprise”

  1. Amen to the Box!!!! Kay, I was also so surprised to see it that I couldn’t get the words out fast enough as we sailed past. This is proof that if you wish for something the chances are great it will occur!

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