Roll over, Beethoven

This is the Sequim Transit Center, jointly run by the City of Sequim and Clallam Transit. It caught my attention because yesterday’s newspaper announced a new initiative to “discourage” teens and young adults from loitering nearby. . .by piping classical and operatic music from speakers on the side of the building.

The project was lauched a few weeks ago. Teens hanging out near the Transit Center last Friday were asked if the music was succeeding in driving them away. The response: “Does it look like it’s succeeding?” This has apparently been a gathering spot for decades.

I can only wonder what Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Puccini and others would think of their music being used as a “teen repellant.”

9 thoughts on “Roll over, Beethoven”

  1. And look at your photo…not a teen in sight! Yes, they do hang out there. Unfortunately some have vandalized. I don’t know the answer to prevent that.

  2. Full disclosure: I took this shot yesterday – Sunday afternoon. I suppose most of the kids hanging out are from the high school, walking distance to here, and school wasn’t in session.

  3. I’d bet you are right…it would look different in a week when they are back from spring break. I wonder if they will show up this week..or just sleep in.

  4. they do that at many places. also in the netherlands at railroad stations etc.
    i also heard it somewhere in boston, but now i really cannot recall where… (grrrr)
    i never thought about the opinion of the composers. thats funny!! hahaha

  5. If not here, where? Does the entire town need to be wired for Beethoven? Hmmm! Seems like a right of passage for some to hang out on the corner.

  6. Playing classical music to get rid of kids has been done successfully elsewhere. Isn’t that a sad commentary?

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