Camping at Dungeness Rec Area

We were camping out at Dungeness Rec area the last few days and the weather was absolutely perfect!  These are shots I took from our campsite.  There were a lot of hummingbirds out there.  From our camp site you can hear people walking by on the bluff trail and the funniest thing I heard was one kid say to what was probably his little brother or sister “Don’t run too far ahead or someone might steal you or you could get eaten by a bear or a cougar!” 

I need to thank my neighbor friend Norma for the book suggestion of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.  It is one of those books I’ve seen but kept passing up and then she said she liked it so I got it and it was perfect camping reading material.  I read that and the Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. 

I’ll post some more pictures tomorrow.

3 thoughts on “Camping at Dungeness Rec Area”

  1. Quiet & Restful! I like your Hummingbird. I usually hang 2 feeders out and we get dozens of Hummers at the same time (no kidding!) far this year we are getting hardly any. Something has changed. I am going to look up your 2 books!

  2. The art of racing in the rain…I loved the part when he grabbed the paperwork and ran around the yard…then when cornered…peed on them! Actually, I loved the whole book.

  3. Hi, Shannon. I haven’t camped in years, but this looks like a wonderful place to do it. I read “Hotel . . .” a couple of months ago after visiting Seattle. It would be a good book to read on your camping trip in Washington. Good photos.

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