Virtual Roses

These roses are from the rose garden at Wildbirds.   Today, Denton and I have a sister, Leonda, and a brother in law, Claude,  who will celebrate 40 years of marriage.  I wish with all my heart I could be there.  I’m sending these beautiful roses their way with all my good wishes.  And a special thanks to my nieces who helped make this celebration possible.

4 thoughts on “Virtual Roses”

  1. Dennis, if you are living here in Sequim, why not?? I have all my roses in pots up on my balcony and still have the blooms you see here. In fact I often neglect them and they still bloom! This year has been not quite as many blooms because the weather got them confused..Norma and I already agreed on this. Keep trying Dennis!

  2. Thank you for the lovely roses and well wishes. It was indeed a wonderful 40th anniversary!

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