What is that thing?

First of all, thanks to all who stopped by yesterday and posted their method of picking out cantaloupe.  For my guests and I, Jacqueline’s method worked great!  (see thumbnail)  It tasted sweet, not too soft, not too hard.  Yum!


 Now I have to try it out myself.  About todays photo…..  Last Tuesday some friends and I went to hear the Olympic Trombone Orchestra play at “Music in the Park”.  I really enjoyed the group and their music.  They had a certain energy that set my toe to tapping.  My curiousity was peaked when I saw this gentleman messing with the black thing in his hand.  At first I thought it was a pretty fancy object to clean his trombone.   Turns out it is a horn stand.


For more “music in the park”, stop by next Tuesday to hear Rate Limiting Step, a contemporary group, from 6 to 8 p.m.

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