Alderwood Bistro

alderwood-bistro.jpg Yum!  It’s a great place to go to lunch or dinner with a friend.  They utilize local produce, their food is interesting and the folks are friendly.  Their website lets you look at the menu and get a close look at what is served.   Housed in a what was once a home, I first knew this building as the Eclipse Cafe, owned and operated by dear friends, Tom and Lay Wells.   Tom, retired, bought the cafe for his wife, Lay Yin.  There was one thing on the menu each day and they were only open for lunch three days a week.  You could call up and find out what they were serving or show up, take pot luck, and hope they had some left.  They never lacked for customers.  

5 thoughts on “Alderwood Bistro”

  1. Mmm, sounds like home cookin! I also like the red and yellow tulips with the red and yellow in the sign.

  2. This is one of our very favorite restaurants in town. The upside cheesecake is to die for.
    And my husband insists that their apple pie with vanilla ice cream is the best he has ever had.

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