Baby Pumpkins at Sunny Farms


They tempt you to buy them for your decorations. I also understand they are excellent eating and very sweet.

11 thoughts on “Baby Pumpkins at Sunny Farms”

  1. on dirait des tomates pas encore mûries. j’espère qu’elles vont grandir d’ici Halloween ;o)

    tomatos not matured yet would be said. I hope that they will grow from here Halloween ;O)

  2. small ones [actually labelled as “medium”] are the equivalent of $3 each here; large are $4 and “extra large” are $7 – I may publish a photo of them later in the month.

  3. I think these little guys are so perfect for a Fall picture. I’ve seen lots of recipes for them but have never tried either. Not fond of squashy flavors myself, though I do love pumpkin pie.

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