9 thoughts on “Park Your Butts Here”

  1. Amazing sign for a fairgrounds. Since our fair is starting Aug 23, I wonder if we have the same restrictions? Hope so!

  2. This is amazing – I thought Australia had strick anti-smoking regulations but this is even more so. Doesn’t worry me – I don’t smoke and hate butts everywhere.

  3. Cela commence en France, les amendes sont tres cheres pour ceux qui fument dans un lieu public, bientot meme les restaurants et les cafes seront interdits aux fumeurs. je trouve cela bien, meme si je pense qu’il devrait laisser certain endroit libre. A NYC j’avais ete surpris de voir des interdictions de fumer meme dans la rue.

    That starts in France, the fines are very expensive for those which smoke in a public place, soon same the restaurants and the coffees will be prohibited to the smokers. I find well that, same if I think that it should leave certain free place. With NYC I had been surprised to see prohibitions to smoke same in the street.

  4. Well I could easily go a few hours without a cigar!
    Has your fair already begun?
    I like it at night when all the lights are on.
    Mmmm..cotton candy,funnel cakes,stomache ache!

  5. I like it. I did not see a similar sign at the Thurston County Fair, but didn’t see anyone smoking that I can recall, either. There were hand washing stations everywhere, I wish I’d taken a picture of one of those.

  6. Smokers can’t complain, really, if they are allowed to smoke in designated areas. I wish the whole planet would quit smoking at once and for good.

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